Friday, February 12, 2010


It's been snowing a lot lately. I actually had a snow day this Wednesday. I woke up around 4pm and there was already about 6 inches of snow. It snowed crazily the whole day and I really wasn't feeling like going out even if I desperately needed to grocery shop. I guess it's the gloomy weather and just seeing all the buildings gray and blue, I've been getting a little depressed lately. Coldness I'm used to and also they've fixed our heater system in our dorm!

I wish it was a bit warmer,
I really enjoyed wearing semi spring/winter clothes while I was in LA.
It's about time, however... we aren't getting the warm weather till probably late April or May.
I stopped drinking so much. Not really good for myself.
Unfortunately I've been noticing weird symtoms. I really don't feel well inside...

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